Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Trying to Be Like Moroni

Alma 50 is all about preparation. This morning I sat down to read and the very first thing was....

"And now it came to pass that Moroni did not stop making preparations...." (Alma 50:1).

There you have it. I'm hopefully not preparing for the same things Moroni was, but the fact is, I'm preparing, and I have to do as Moroni did. I have to keep these things in my mind and just continue daily. There's the challenge--not stopping.

I'm figuring it can't be a big panic thing; it just needs to be consistent. Little baby steps done on a consistent basis.

As I continue to read, I'm learning that, not only were the Nephites preparing themselves for eventualities, but as they did so, they thrived. Here are people threatened by war from their enemies, but they're actually building new cities as they're preparing to defend what they already have. Amazing!

So, what I'm gathering from this is the idea that if we are obedient and are taking care of what we already have, we will be added upon. There will be more given to us as we prove that we are capable of caring for what God has already given us.

Here, catch this one too....In verse 23, it even goes so far as to say, "There never was a happier time." Wow! Really?! Here's a people preparing for war with a blood-thirsty people, and they're HAPPY?!

So, there's my motivation for the day. As far as having more stuff to take care of,, I can do without that. I'm overwhelmed by the stuff I already have, but if obedience makes me happy, I'm ALL OVER IT!

So, today is FULL of activities. I don't know when I'm going to have time to do any preparation activities, so I guess the first thing I'm going to do (here at 5:41am) is to get out to my garage and continue to "dig trenches." I'm going to work on that darned garage for 15 minutes. That's something I can do while the family sleeps on.

At least, I'll still be working on being obedient and keeping preparedness consistently on my mind. It's a baby step, but still, it's a step.....a step toward prospering and being happy.

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